The Fund’s commitment to excellence is embodied in the Board of Scientific Advisors. The BSA has been largely responsible for shaping the original charitable gift into an effective force for the advancement of scientific research by supporting the broadest view of basic biomedical science as it relates to cancer research. The Fund has been fortunate to attract extraordinarily distinguished scientists to the BSA. They have brought their expertise, a concern for excellence and a spirit of mentoring and service that has contributed immeasurably to the Fund’s reputation and accomplishments. This is clearly demonstrated by the 23 Nobel prizes that have been awarded to BSA members, Grantees and Fellows.
Dr. Sue Biggins, Director of Board of Scientific Advisors
Director and Professor
Division of Basic Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/HHMI
Visit Dr. Biggin’s Lab
Dr. Anne Churchland
Department of Neurobiology
University of California, Los Angeles
Visit Dr. Churchland’s Lab
Dr. Catherine Dulac
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Harvard University/HHMI
Visit Dr. Dulac’s Lab
Dr. Nels Elde
Department of Human Genetics
University of Utah School of Medicine/HHMI
Visit Dr. Elde’s Lab
Dr. Donald T. Fox
Department of Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
Duke University Medical Center
Visit Dr. Fox’s Lab
Dr. Taekjip Ha
Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Boston Children’s Hospital/HHMI
Visit Dr. Ha’s Lab
Dr. Rebecca Heald
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley
Visit Dr. Heald’s Lab
Dr. Ralph Isberg
Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology
Tufts University, School of Medicine
Visit Dr. Isberg’s Lab
Dr. Phillip Newmark
Morgridge Institute for Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison/HHMI
Visit Dr. Newmark’s Lab
Dr. Duojia Pan
Department of Physiology
UT Southwestern Medical Center/HHMI
Visit Dr. Pan’s Lab
Dr. Marion Pepper
Department of Immunology
University of Washington
Visit Dr. Pepper’s Lab
Dr. Samara Reck-Peterson
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Division of Biological Sciences, Cell and Developmental Biology Section
University of California, San Diego/HHMI
Visit Dr. Reck-Peterson’s Lab
Dr. Martine F. Roussel
Department of Tumor Cell Biology
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Visit Dr. Roussel’s Lab
Dr. Kevan Shokat
Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
University of California, San Francisco/HHMI
Visit Dr. Shokat’s lab
Dr. Agata Smogorzewska
Laboratory of Genome Maintenance
The Rockefeller University, New York
Visit Dr. Smogorzewska’s Lab
Dr. Aaron Streets
Department of Bioengineering
University of California, Berkeley
Visit Dr. Street’s Lab