
Image of Gian Dotto
Gian Dotto Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Appointed in 1984

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Intiation-promotion in carcinogenesis

Image of Martin Douglass, Ph.D.
Martin Douglass, Ph.D. Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Appointed in 2023

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Defining how Clostridioides difficile engages in microbial warfare.

Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is the leading cause of hospital-acquired and antibiotic-associated intestinal infections. However, we do not currently have a clear understanding of CDI pathogenesis, which impedes the development of additional therapeutic strategies. Dr. Martin Douglass will investigate how CDI overcomes the human microbiota and immune system in Dr. Eric Skaar’s lab at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Douglass will examine how CDI competes for nutrients with the microbiota and immune system. Furthermore, Dr. Douglass will identify which CD genes are required for host colonization and persistence. These studies may provide insight into novel therapeutic targets for treating CDI.

As a graduate student in Dr. M. Stephen Trent’s lab at the University of Georgia, Douglass examined the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Dr. Douglass discovered novel proteins that are required for the transport of lipids to the outer membrane. These studies provide potential therapeutic targets for novel antibiotics and provide Douglass with a solid foundation for interrogating new targets in CDI.

Image of Jeffrey B. Doyon
Jeffrey B. Doyon Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of California, Berkeley

Appointed in 2007

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Investigation of dynamin's role in the temporal regulation of actin remodeling during endocytic vesicle formation

Image of Gabriel Drapeau
Gabriel Drapeau Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 1964

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Protein structure and function

Image of Ines Drinnenberg
Ines Drinnenberg Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Appointed in 2013

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Causes and consequences of a non-canonical H2A variant in flies

My research focuses on the evolutionary diversity of centromeric architectures. Faithful chromosome segregation in all eukaryotes relies on centromeres, the chromosomal sites that recruit the kinetochore protein complex to mediate spindle attachment during cell division. Yet, despite this essential function centromeres are remarkably diverse. Most chromosomes are monocentric i.e., kinetochore assembly is restricted to a defined chromosomal region. In contrast, holocentromeres have kinetochores attached along the entire length of chromosomes. Holocentric chromosomes have evolved multiple times independently from monocentric ancestors. Yet, despite their dramatically different centromeric architectures, the transition to holocentric chromosomes has remained enigmatic.

I performed a computational survey for centromere and kinetochore components in mono- and holocentric insect orders. This study revealed the unexpected finding that the centromere specific histone variant, CenH3 – known to be essential for centromere function in most eukaryotes – was lost on all four lineages that are associated with independent transitions from mono- to holocentric chromosomes. Expanding my analyses to other kinetochore components I found that homologs of many inner kinetochore proteins are still present, suggesting that holocentric insects utilize alternative ways of initiating kinetochore assembly on chromatin. Currently I am in the process of determining the CenH3-independent kinetochore assembly pathway as well as the molecular architecture of the insect holocentromere.

Image of Robert Driscoll
Robert Driscoll Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 2008

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Molecular dissection of the replication checkpoint

My current research involves analysis of the cellular response to replication fork stress.

After finishing my undergraduate degree at the University of Leeds in the UK, still pretty clueless as to what I wanted to study, I worked in the lab of E. Peter Geiduschek at the University of California, San Diego, as a research technician. There, I developed a fascination with DNA metabolism. I continued pursing this interest ¬†by studying DNA repair in the lab of Steve Jackson at Cambridge University for my doctoral studies, and am now studying DNA replication. I greatly enjoy the challenge of independent academic research but also the fact that it is a very social endeavor. When I’m not in the lab, I’m usually hiking and camping in California or enjoying its excellent food and beverages.

Image of Michelle L. DuBois
Michelle L. DuBois Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Appointed in 1997

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In vivo analysis of silent chromatin domains

Image of Mark E. Dudley
Mark E. Dudley Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of Pennsylvania

Appointed in 1991

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Image of Erastus C. Dudley
Erastus C. Dudley Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

National Institutes of Health

Appointed in 1996

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Trancscriptional control of helper T-cell development

Image of Elizabeth S. Dugan
Elizabeth S. Dugan Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Johns Hopkins University /
University of Michigan

Appointed in 1973

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Hapten specific tolerance

Image of Leonard R. Duncan
Leonard R. Duncan Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Washington University in St. Louis

Appointed in 1997

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Control of reproductive cell fate in Volvox carteri

Image of Rebecca K. Dunn
Rebecca K. Dunn Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Massachusetts General Hospital

Appointed in 2002

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Function of histone ubiquitination in chromatin regulation

Image of Alex R. Dunn
Alex R. Dunn Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University School of Medicine

Appointed in 2003

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Image of Wesley A. Dunnick
Wesley A. Dunnick Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

MRC Center, University Medical School, England

Appointed in 1977

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Immunoglobulin mRNA

Image of Michael L. Dustin
Michael L. Dustin Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Washington University in St. Louis

Appointed in 1990

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Image of Vinay Eapen
Vinay Eapen Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Harvard University Medical School

Appointed in 2017

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Systemic analysis of the mammalian selective autophagy cargo network

The 2016 Nobel laureate Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi remarked, “ Life is an equilibrium state between the synthesis and degradation of proteins”. My research focuses on Autophagy, a process whereby proteins are marked for destruction in cells by the lysosome. I became interested in autophagy during my PhD in Dr. Jim Haber’s lab at Brandeis University, and have been hooked on it ever since!_x000D_
The autophagy-lysosome system targets the degradation of a specific cohort of proteins via “selective autophagy”. The dysfunction of this phenomenon has been linked to a myriad of human disorders. We have only scratched the surface of the known targets of this fascinating biological process. Under the guidance of my mentors, the aim of my research will be to comprehensively catalog the list of selective autophagy substrates by employing quantitative mass spectrometry of the autophagy-lysosome system. An overarching goal of my research is to obtain knowledge of the selective autophagic targets in cancer, which may present opportunities for the specific targeting of this process_x000D_
I grew up in New Delhi, India.  After completing my undergrad program in Biotechnology at the Vellore Institute of Technology in South India, I moved to the U.S.  (Brandeis university, MA)  for graduate studies.  In my spare time, I am whittling down all of the 48 four thousand feet peaks in the White Mountain range while assiduously taking guitar lessons in the hope of one day playing lead guitar for a major rock band.

Image of Suzanne Eaton
Suzanne Eaton Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of California, San Francisco

Appointed in 1989

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Image of Aline Eden
Aline Eden Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Rockefeller University

Appointed in 1975

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Image of Arthur Edison
Arthur Edison Jane Coffin Childs Fund

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Appointed in 1993

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NMR studies of the neurobiology of Ascaris suum

Image of John Barry Egan
John Barry Egan Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 1964

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Image of Thomas T. Egelhoff
Thomas T. Egelhoff Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Appointed in 1987

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Image of Edward H. Egelman
Edward H. Egelman Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

MRC Center, University Medical School, England

Appointed in 1982

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Image of Gudmundur Eggertsson
Gudmundur Eggertsson Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

International Laboratory of Genetics and Biophysics, Italy

Appointed in 1965

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Image of Melanie Ehrlich
Melanie Ehrlich Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Appointed in 1970

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Image of Duane C. Eichler
Duane C. Eichler Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 1973

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E coli restriction enzyme

Image of David J. Eide
David J. Eide Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Appointed in 1987

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Image of Robert T. Elder
Robert T. Elder Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 1978

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Structure of Tyl RNA

Image of Sarah C.R. Elgin
Sarah C.R. Elgin Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

California Institute of Technology

Appointed in 1971

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Image of Andrew Elia
Andrew Elia Jane Coffin Childs - HHMI Fellow

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Appointed in 2009

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Harnessing lysine acetylation and methylation in the DNA damage response

Image of Laura A.B. Elias Barker
Laura A.B. Elias Barker Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 2009

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ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in dendritic morphogenesis and targeting

My work in Gerald Crabtree’s laboratory focuses on elucidating how structural changes in the packaging of DNA, otherwise known as chromatin, contributes to the acquisition of cellular identity. Specifically, I am investigating the mechanism by which subunit switches in an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex promote the development and maturation of neural progenitor cells into fully functional neurons.

I have been driven throughout my training by a passion for discovery and appreciation for a scientific, analytical approach to problem-solving. I majored in biology at Swarthmore College and earned my PhD in the Neuroscience Program at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). My thesis in Arnold Kriegstein’s laboratory at the UCSF Institute for Regeneration Medicine focused on elucidating the mechanism by which newborn neurons migrate from their places of origin to specific cortical regions, where they integrate into the brain’s circuitry.  During my postdoctoral fellowship, I have expanded my studies to include genomics, proteomics and biochemistry to probe the role chromatin structure plays during neural development.   I aspire to use my training to have a broad impact on the global scientific community, and influence the incorporation of scientific innovation into society.

Image of Leah Elias, Ph.D.
Leah Elias, Ph.D. Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Appointed in 2023

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Using single cell transcriptomics to understand homeostatic sleep pressure

Sleep disorders are common and negatively impact our quality of life and biological health. Yet, how the brain encodes the need for restorative sleep is poorly understood. Dr. Leah Elias will investigate the cellular circuits and molecular signals that encode sleep pressure in Dr. Seth Blackshaw’s lab at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Using single nucleus RNA sequencing, Dr. Elias has identified a cluster of neurons that are activated by sleep deprivation. Furthermore, she has identified candidate genes that are differentially regulated in response to sleep deprivation. She will leverage these findings to mechanistically dissect sleep signals in the brain at the cellular and molecular levels. Dr. Elias’ research has important implications for the basic biology of sleep and may reveal novel therapeutic targets for sleep and metabolic disorders.

As a PhD student in Dr. Ishmail Abdus-Saboor‘s lab at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Elias studied the neural circuitry controlling social touch. Specifically, she identified a new pathway that connects social touch in the skin to reward circuits in the brain. With this background in neural circuitry, Dr. Elias will now investigate how the need for sleep is encoded in the brain.

Image of Ronald E. Ellis
Ronald E. Ellis Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Appointed in 1990

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Image of Joanne Engebrecht
Joanne Engebrecht Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Yale University

Appointed in 1987

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Image of Suzanne L. Epstein
Suzanne L. Epstein Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

National Cancer Institute

Appointed in 1979

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Characterization of Ia antigens

Image of Priscilla A. Erickson
Priscilla A. Erickson Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of Virginia

Appointed in 2017

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Genetics and evolution of photoperiodism in Drosophila melanogaster

Organisms exhibit diverse strategies to survive environments that vary in space and time. In temperate climates, environmental cues are used to anticipate the onset of unfavorable seasons. One of the most reliable indicators of season is photoperiod: the length of light and dark periods within a 24-hour day. Insects exhibit a spectacular array of responses to changes in season. For example, aphids develop sexually reproducing morphs in the fall, moths and lacewings develop unique seasonal patterns and colors, monarch butterflies undergo seasonal migrations, and hundreds of species, including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, are able to suspend development or reproduction until more favorable conditions return. Despite nearly a century of research on insect seasonality and photoperiodism, the genetic pathways used to make these ecologically crucial transitions remain unknown. The abundance of genetic and genomic resources for Drosophila makes it an ideal study system for this question._x000D_
My research uses custom-built environmental chambers, field studies in an experimental orchard, and novel genetic mapping techniques to dissect the genetic basis of photoperiodism and seasonal responses in Drosophila. Understanding how insects detect photoperiod will inform our understanding of economically and biomedically important insects and offer predictions about how insects may adapt to ongoing anthropogenic climate warming in which temperature, but not photoperiod, is changing.

Image of Morten Ernebjerg
Morten Ernebjerg Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Harvard University Medical School

Appointed in 2007

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Probing complex microbial communities: structure and response to perturbations with antibiotics

Image of Ellen J. Ezratty
Ellen J. Ezratty Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Rockefeller University

Appointed in 2008

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Stem Cell migration during wound-induced reepithelialization

In my research with Elaine Fuchs, I am studying how the primary cilium regulates the function of epidermal stem cells during embryonic development and wound healing.

I was introduced to nature by my grandmother, who instilled in me a sense of awe for living things as we explored the forests near where I grew up in northwestern Pennsylvania, collecting roots, mushrooms and bugs.  My childhood fascination with nature led me to study biology.

I am interested in how cells interact with and respond to their environment.   In my doctoral research, I tried to understand how the microtubule cytoskeleton controlled the ability of cells to regulate focal adhesions, structures that allow a cell to communicate with its environment during cell migration. For my post-doctoral work, I maintained this interest, but also became fascinated with how stem cells in a tissue are able to “sense” the environmental developmental signals that lead to proper differentiation — leading me to study the function of the primary cilium in the epidermis. Primary cilia are evolutionarily conserved sensory organelles which act as a cellular antenna, allowing the cell to sample its extracellular environment and process signals that are essential for proper cell growth, development and differentiation.

Image of Dina Faddah
Dina Faddah Jane Coffin Childs - HHMI Fellow

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Appointed in 2015

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Inflammation and Parkinsons disease

Image of Monifa Fahie, Ph.D.
Monifa Fahie, Ph.D. Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Brandeis University

Appointed in 2019

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Translation regulation and viral exploitation in innate immunity

Image of Gordon F. Fairclough
Gordon F. Fairclough Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Harvard University Medical School

Appointed in 1967

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Image of Douglas M. Fambrough
Douglas M. Fambrough Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Appointed in 1998

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Parallel analysis of gene expression

Image of Qing R. Fan
Qing R. Fan Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Columbia University

Appointed in 2001

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Structure of follicle stimulating hormone receptor

Image of Rosann A. A. Farber
Rosann A. A. Farber Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

National Institute for Medical Research, England

Appointed in 1973

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Image of Jeffrey Farrell
Jeffrey Farrell Jane Coffin Childs - Genentech Fellow

Harvard University

Appointed in 2013

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Novel signaling peptides in zebrafish development

The goal of my project is to identify and characterize novel signals regulating development. Many of the processes taking place during development are controlled by a handful of well-characterized signaling pathways. This observation has led to the belief that most, if not all, of the major developmental signals are known. However, recent genomics projects have identified numerous uncharacterized genes, several of which encode short secreted peptides. A zebrafish mutant generated in one of these peptides, EndE, has a dramatic developmental phenotype, where the embryo forms little or no heart tissue. This suggests that EndE regulates the specification and/or migration of cardiac precursor cells. I will investigate the role of EndE in cardiac development and identify its receptor (Aim 1). Additionally, I will generate mutants for several other novel secreted peptides and analyze their phenotypes (Aim 2). My project will elucidate the role of a novel regulator of heart formation and identify new developmental signaling molecules.

Image of Thomas G. Fazzio
Thomas G. Fazzio Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of California, San Francisco

Appointed in 2004

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Lodestar: a metazoan-specific chromatin remodeler

Image of William J. Feaver
William J. Feaver Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Appointed in 1996

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Role of CSA and CSB in transcription/repair coupling

Image of Alexander Fefer
Alexander Fefer Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Appointed in 1962

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Investigations concerning cell growth, survival and destruction in a transplantation situation

Image of Renny Feldman
Renny Feldman Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

University of California, San Francisco

Appointed in 2001

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Nitric oxide signaling in the hypoxic response

Image of Qing Feng
Qing Feng Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Appointed in 2018

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Impacts of splicing perturbations on transcriptional programs in cancer

Mutations in genes that encode core RNA splicing machinery (such as SF3B1, U2AF1, SRSF2) are frequently associated with hematologic malignancies1–3 (Fig. 1). A number of studies have identified specific splicing defects associated with these mutations4–6, but the impact on gene expression program in these disorders remains poorly understood. Most human transcripts are spliced cotranscriptionally,and revealed previously unknown roles of splicing in regulating transcription7–10. These observations led me to propose that effects of dysregulated splicing on transcription contribute to pathogenesis of cancer. Recently, my new host lab has identified a new regulatory link between splicing and transcription termed “exon-mediated activation of transcription starts” (EMATS)23 (Fiszbein et al.). In brief, they found that inclusion (splicing in) of alternative exons (often found in 5′ UTR) can activate transcription from a proximal upstream alternative promoter (within 1 or 2 kb), showing that expression of such genes is dependent on nearby splicing. However, the precise requirements and mechanistic details are not fully understood. Therefore, I propose to investigate the cis- and trans-acting determinants of EMATS and to use this information to understand the impacts of perturbed splicing on gene expression programs in hematologic malignancies.

Image of Guoping Feng
Guoping Feng Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Washington University School of Medicine

Appointed in 1995

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Retinotectal synapse formation in transgenic mice

Image of Sheng Feng, Ph.D.
Sheng Feng, Ph.D. Jane Coffin Childs Fellow

Stanford University

Appointed in 2023

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Identification of Small Molecule Ligands for c-Myc mRNA

c-Myc is a transcription factor and an attractive therapeutic target as it drives the majority of human cancers. However, inhibiting c-Myc at the protein level is difficult, in part due to its intrinsically disordered structure. Dr. Sheng Feng aims to circumvent this problem by inhibiting c-Myc mRNA with small molecules. Dr Feng will use a fragment-based approach using an RNA-biased library that is functionalized to improve affinity for RNA. Dr. Feng will tether fragments that bind to adjacent RNA sites to improve binding affinity and selectivity. These experiments will be conducted in Dr. Eric Kool’s lab at Stanford University. Dr. Feng’s research will explore a new route for inhibiting an important target in oncology and represents a general method for inhibiting other difficult protein targets.

As a graduate student in Dr. Stephen Buchwald’s lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Feng developed copper hydride-catalyzed bond forming reactions that are highly regio- and stereoselective. Such reactions produce important substructures for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and natural products. Dr. Feng’s background in organic chemistry has prepared her to design and prepare small molecule ligand libraries for targeting c-Myc mRNA.